Monday, February 14, 2022

Why Need To Consult With Urologist


What is a urologist and why do you need to go one? If you have any kind of concerns with your urinary system, which includes the kidneys, bladder and the urethra etc., it becomes very important that you see a urologist as soon as possible. The urinary system is an important part of the body and it is very susceptible to various disorders. Urologist in Vasai clinics specialize in treating diseases related to male and female reproductive organs including sexual problems, prostate gland among others. It also deals with issues like infertility, urinary tract obstruction etc. Some urologists even carry out surgeries on cancers of the genitourinary organs.


How can one spot which tests are right for you?


The tests that are carried out on the urinary system is decided by the urologist after he has given a thorough examination of your medical history. He may use imaging tests, blood work and even urinalysis to determine the abnormalities in your urinary tract system. Imaging tests include CT, MRI and Ultrasound. Blood work is used to determine how well your kidneys are functioning and the results show the presence of any infection in the urinary tract system. The urinalysis determines whether there is an infection present or not. Other tests such as cystoscopy, micturating cystourethrogram (MCUG), voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) and renal scan are used to determine the abnormalities in the genitourinary organs.If you think any kind of abnormality with your urinary system, it is best that you see a urologist at the earliest. It is important for early diagnosis so as to nip the problem in the bud.

What is the prognosis if the problem is diagnosed early?


Once you are diagnosed with an illness, your Urologist in Vasai will inform you about its treatment and whether it can be cured completely or not. A proper diagnosis helps in determining how possible is to cure a ailment. The ailment may have progressed too far, but if it has not yet grown to a large extent, you can be cured completely.Urology treatments are divided into two categories – curative and palliative care.

 Curative procedures aim at restoring your urinary tract system to its normal state while the palliative care only helps in suppressing the symptoms of the ailment. Urology doctors are very efficient in performing the tests to determine your condition accurately.Whatever is the problem, you can always hope for complete recovery if it is diagnosed early on. Early detection ensures that you are cured completely and there will not be much loss of time.


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